Friday, December 5, 2008
Event 3
Event 2
Event 1
Monday, November 24, 2008
Racism: The reason for hate
Racism is a bomb. It destroys everything that once was alive, love, happiness, humanity, life. With racism, there can be no coexistence. We need to realize that we are all one. It is proven that two races are more alike than two people of one race. So much similarity, but one small difference. So why all the hate? Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics- in the end, we are all human. We live and we all die. We go through life’s up’s and down’s similarly. Why do some humans feel superiority over another race? History may have a big impact, but that is all it is- history. It is really not about a race, it is about a human being. There will always be both good and bad within every race, so generalizations should not be made.
Being in a mixed relationship, I have seen and experienced racism, both against my boyfriend, who is half black, and against myself, a white girl of European descent. It is truly ignorance which breeds racism. I will be the first to admit that when I started my relationship with Richard, my parents were not pleased with his skin color. They had grown up in an all-white, traditional European society. Blacks were seen as inferiors. So when I introduced Richard, my parents were not pleased. But through the past three years, I can speak for my parents and say that they regret feeling like this as they discovered all of Richard’s fabulous personality habits, and realized that he is just a human being, like themselves, like myself, and like the rest of the world. Now they think of him as their own son and love him for who he is. Without this love for all humans, one cannot truly understand who he is. I feel like I found myself in the world and learned so much about who I am, being in a mixed relationship.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Moving to college and living on my own, I really got a sense of what “responsibility” truly means. From having to make up by myself in the morning, to having to obtain my own food and go to classes, to even having to visit various places alone to take care of my papers, financial aid, etc, I can truly say that I gained a sense of responsibility. But responsibility, in the real world, is more than just “doing things for oneself.” It really involves so much more, from the realization of who one is and how one’s actions impact others, to what one’s meaning in this world is and how one visualizes him/herself.
In the film, Return to Paradise, Sherriff gains a sense of responsibility, which is life-changing for him. It is a re-birth; it makes him a new man, and it impacts the way he views the world and the way he sees himself. At the start, Sherriff’s mind was made not to return to Malaysia to serve his time in jail in order to save his friend’s life. But after a time of very deep reflection, Sherriff decides that it was partly his fault that his friend got caught with the drugs, and decides to return to Malaysia. This, my friends, is responsibility.
Arguments in relationships and even wars start and continue because two sides lack responsibility. It is so much easier to say “I’m sorry. It was my fault. I will do anything I can to make it up,” rather than fight about it and “point fingers.” It is very sad that one or more lives may be taken because someone else lacks responsibility. Ultimately, Lewis dies because MJ is irresponsible; she lacks the concept of the seriousness of the situation and is determined to send out a juicy report without understanding that her actions may result in an innocent death. Like MJ, many people do not think about what they say or do, and sometimes just a small comment may threaten someone’s life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cowboys versus Mounties
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Into the Wild
With minimal food and gear, Chris set off expediting the United States. He hitchhiked through South Dakota, California, Arizona, even Mexico, and met a few people on his journey. These people remained attached to Chris, or Alex as some knew him, because Chris was kind enough to stay in touch. I sympathize with Chris on his desire to leave society behind, but I cannot comprehend why he would leave al possessions behind and literally struggle to gain a better understanding of life. His passion for nature and love of adventure sprouted from his imagination while reading novels by Jack London, such as The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both which explore nature’s wilderness and magnificence. Such splendor and a hint of curiosity presented in these novels compelled Chris to want to explore the world “out there” and what better region that desolate, freezing Alaska?
My main lack of comprehension is for the reason behind his intentions. I cannot even imagine leaving home for good and being “on my own” with clear understanding that I may not survive at all. I presume that his wonder and curiosity preceded his sense of humanity. He almost adopted an animal-like instinct which compelled him to investigate the world on his own.
The idea of the “American Dream” leads many Americans to face stress every single day. It almost feels as if people are chasing after money, stabbing each other in the back, just to get themselves ahead. But they don’t know what to do with all this money, so their kids start getting into drugs, partying, trouble, etc. Even they, themselves, get lost- fight with their spouses and get divorced, can’t sleep at night so pay for expensive drugs to calm them down. The “American Dream” has a way more negative connotation than it did in the early days of American settlement. Then people sought freedom, opportunity and happiness. Now, it’s ALL about money and bettering oneself. People have become self-centered, and this fact Chris McCandless clearly understood. That is why he escaped the suffocating limits of society.
If one focuses on bettering the world, rather than just himself, the “American Dream” can have a positive meaning. One’s idea of this achievement should not be superior to another’s since the two should be working together to benefit humanity as a whole. For instance, in my future-becoming a pharmacist, I want to share my knowledge with my community and help them, not just make lots of money. Of course this is a nice benefit, but my driving force is to keep life humane, to assist others, because that is the only way society will function without causing wars. Into the Wild set an inspirational ideal to view the world “outside the box”, almost as a whole, and to focus of the natural sources of happiness, such as a beautiful, sun-shining, breezy day full of vibrant greens of the vegetation and blue of the infinite sky, rather than stressing solely about work or school and being caught in this “structured web” of society. In summary, that is what life is all about- all the little beautiful things which sadly go unnoticed.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Reading Test # 2
John Ridley’s blog “How Bad is ‘Uppity’?” expresses the author’s obvious anger and irritation due to the use of the intended word “uppity” by Rove, Westmoreland, and Goddard to describe the perceived “arrogant” attitude of Barack Obama and Ron Allen. The author simply assumes that Rove was calling Obama “uppity” when actually using the word “arrogant”. The implications of “uppity” lead to the racist tensions as used in “uppity nigger”, a part of a phrase. The colored author finds the use of the word “uppity” offensive when used to describe the egotistical Barack Obama. The culpable name-caller only meant to refer to Obama’s personality, not to start any tensions. By “decoding” Rove’s word choice, the author proposes something different. And when Ridley states “And sometimes eggplant just means eggplant”, he should leave it at that. Rove says “arrogant” and he means “arrogant” not necessarily “uppity”. I see where Ridley may have been upset had Rove actually spoken the word “uppity”, but because he did not, let’s just leave it there. Ridley does have valid points in describing the use of that word by others, who it seems like, actually used that word to describe Obama and Allen. But then again, a word is just a word. “Uppity” was originally used by blacks to speak of other blacks who they felt to be too self-assertive ( Now-a-days, uppity is defined as “affecting attitude of inflated self-esteem; haughty; snobbish; rebelliously self-assertive”. What language was used once should not be incorporated into the means of language used today. Times have changed. The American Civil War was and will always exist in history; this does not mean that the situation from then is the same today. Thus, anybody can be labeled “uppity”. It should not be offensive or significant UNLESS the person uses the “N” word with it, in a case which is unacceptable! The author is lastly a bit valiant and snobbish by saying that the word “cracker” also exists in the dictionary. That word has direct connotations with the white race, while “uppity” does not.
Analytically and thoughtfully speaking, the author presents a clear point of view and a purposeful objection- he is aggravated by the use of the word “uppity” to describe haughty and in this case, colored people. The problem is stated and direct information is provided, in the form of event details, names, etc. His conclusion is made based on his opinion, although nothing is resolved. Assumptions are stated but somewhat biased. For instance, Ridley assumes that Rove meant to call Obama “uppity” when he said “arrogant”. Thus the consequences in revenge by calling the other people “crackers”, in the end, may just leave more room for tension and argument. The author’s thinking does meet some intellectual standards, however. The point is clear and his thoughts are relevant to the issue at hand. His logic is based on his own opinion and is therefore biased. Likewise, there is breadth to his blog- he incorporates the other point of view opposing his. His presumptions are not completely fair; in the end, he finds revenge by writing that the word “cracker” exists and can be used to refer to the people who utilized the word “uppity” when referring to a colored person. This is unfair because “uppity” does not necessarily mean “black, arrogant person”, where when used in slang, “cracker“ means “a poor white person living in some rural parts of the southeastern U.S.” Thus race is important in one but not the other.
Blog # 2
Mary MacElveen discusses her view on Sarah Palin’s refusal to face the media during the Republican campaign. MacElveen opens up the discussion with a very bold and daring statement, which I find quite hilarious and true: “given these past eight years of failed leadership, it is understandable (why she does not want to come out).” The author assesses that “we the people” have a right to know what’s going on and to know WHO we are voting for and what those candidates stand for. How will we vote for someone whose ideas are not publically known? The answer is: we won’t. So why is the Republican party still running? MacElveen points out that Palin might even get to the president’s seat herself, since McCain is aged, and to be quite honest, that scares me. The author postulates that Palin is “cramming” for her debate with the Democratic vice-president choice, Biden; perhaps that is why she is avoiding the media now. Oh but don’t worry Sarah, they WILL get you. There is no way a candidate can stay out of the limelight. It is pointed out by the author of this blog that anyone can express an opinion but to enforce it one must have reasons and answers to “why?” or “how?” this idea will be carried through. Biden questions what one can talk about when he or she “cannot explain the last eight years of failure.” Republicans do not see the campaign as being about issues. MacElveen obviously disagress as do I. Campaigning is ALL about issues concerning the everyday lives of Americans and how these issues are to be solved by the candidates.
The author of this blog is apparently frustrated by Palin’s lack of appearance on TV, her point of view clearly expressed as opposing the Republican decision. The purpose is obvious as well; she wants to express her ideas and feelings on this subject. The question at issue is very current- the presidential debates have begun, only about a month and a half until official voting, and Palin’s views are still secret, not known by the people of America because of her refusal to appear on TV. The author‘s thinking has a great extent of clarity and relevance. However, we cannot know for sure if her statements are accurate and precise, because her blog lacks breadth; only her point of view is expressed on this subject. Perhaps if her blog included Palin’s view on why she was avoiding the media, the blog would be fairer.
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Student Citizen
As a student-citizen, I owe my country my voice in the form of, perhaps, a vote. I owe deference, as well. The connection between citizenship and education is that, for one to be a well-rounded citizen, one must have a good education. It is proven that those with higher education tend to vote at a higher rate that those without education. The reason why this is so is because for a vote, the citizen MUST know who he/she is voting for; much research and information must be gathered before an educated vote is made. Personally, I watch the news every morning with breakfast, and I have been interested lately in the presidential campaigns of Obama and McCain. Since it is my first year that I am able to vote, I feel that it is important to know much about both parties, so that when my vote is counted, my voice is loudly heard. Yes, I do believe that it is my civic duty to vote. If we all voted, the representation of what the entire country desires would be more clearly explained. In this case, the country would be better-off.
My peers may or may not take their civic duty seriously; it just depends on the person. Some are interested, like me, and care about their futures. Others spend more time focusing on the “here and now” rather than what is to come ahead, thus the political situation may not be quite of interest.
It should NOT be one’s “duty” to serve in the military if one does not wish to do so. Forcefulness never works with anything- if one is not motivated to do something, he/she will not do the act in its fullest potential. Also, if one is against war, such as I am, then that person should not be required to do so as means of his/her “civic duty.” The war in Iraq is just a waste of money, valuable lives, and many peoples’ nerves, producing no benefits.
The best way one can express his or her civic duty is by voting and making him/her self heard! Running individual campaigns to promote the candidate is another method of civic duty- involvement. Running a student-government at a school or college helps the younger generation realize the importance of the vote.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Me, Myself, and I
1. Pharmacy
2. Rowing
3. Healthy Cooking/ Nutrition
Pharmacy as a field is interesting because it involves the human body and the various profound effects drugs have on our bodies. Many categories of drugs exist; most can be placed into a couple of general categories. You have the antibiotics, the painkillers, the blood pressure medicines, the cholesterol medicines, the birth controls,and the tranquilizers. Of course this is not all that's out there. I have been working as a technician with CVS Pharmacy now for a year and the amount of drugs stocked still astonishes me! Work is fun- yes it is a lot of bull dealing with insurance companies and doctors and rude customers, but a nice, (usually) quiet environment that has great pay (as a pharmacist, of course) is what everyone wants for work. Here are a few humorous truths to pharmacy: . I can't help but LOL at reading this because I have been trough it and I know exactly what Persnickety has in mind.
Rowing is my second interest. This is so because this year, I joined my college Crew team, without ever rowing before, and I learned the proper techniques to row a boat. Still, I wonder the effects of college rowing on the body, just how strenuous this exercise is, and how to maintain healthy tissues, bones, and muscles. I want to know the top college rowing teams, as well, and a bit more about them. I discovered an interesting story about a woman, Roz Savage, the first woman ever to row from California to Hawaii:
Healthy cooking and nutrition is also one of my many interests. It is important to keep a balanced meal each and every time you eat. Don't just grab a Monster and a pack of Pop-Tarts and head out in a rush. Instead, keep your fridge stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and yogurts, foods that will help you look better and certaintly feel better. Light calories should be consumed, and to keep the metablism going (burning more calories), you should consume 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, about 200 to 300 calories each. Some helpful information on low-calorie foods: Nutrition is so important to me because, as i mentioned, I am an athlete and athletes require an even stronger calorie-watch and regulation: