Racism is a bomb. It destroys everything that once was alive, love, happiness, humanity, life. With racism, there can be no coexistence. We need to realize that we are all one. It is proven that two races are more alike than two people of one race. So much similarity, but one small difference. So why all the hate? Blacks, Whites, Asians, Hispanics- in the end, we are all human. We live and we all die. We go through life’s up’s and down’s similarly. Why do some humans feel superiority over another race? History may have a big impact, but that is all it is- history. It is really not about a race, it is about a human being. There will always be both good and bad within every race, so generalizations should not be made.
Being in a mixed relationship, I have seen and experienced racism, both against my boyfriend, who is half black, and against myself, a white girl of European descent. It is truly ignorance which breeds racism. I will be the first to admit that when I started my relationship with Richard, my parents were not pleased with his skin color. They had grown up in an all-white, traditional European society. Blacks were seen as inferiors. So when I introduced Richard, my parents were not pleased. But through the past three years, I can speak for my parents and say that they regret feeling like this as they discovered all of Richard’s fabulous personality habits, and realized that he is just a human being, like themselves, like myself, and like the rest of the world. Now they think of him as their own son and love him for who he is. Without this love for all humans, one cannot truly understand who he is. I feel like I found myself in the world and learned so much about who I am, being in a mixed relationship.